Overcome homesickness

Study time: 5 minutes

For many people, their first time away from home is a harrowing one that often results in homesickness. International students are more likely to suffer from feelings of loneliness and isolation at school or university because they are adjusting to life away from their families, in a new country, while completing their studies full-time. It's overwhelming! But there are simple steps you can take to overcome your feelings of homesickness and make the most of your Vantage One adventure.

7 Tips On How To Overcome Homesickness As An International Student

1. Recognize and treat homesickness as a distinct condition.

Homesickness is not always about missing your home, despite the fact that it bears that name. The feeling of isolation and disconnection that comes with moving to a new environment, such as college, is more like a sense of loss than anything else. Even physical symptoms like headaches can indicate that a person is suffering from homesickness. Managing homesickness becomes easier once you know what to look for.

2. Keep in touch with loved ones.

Keeping things that remind you of home can help ease homesickness, which is often brought on by a lack of comfort in a new environment. You can keep in touch with loved ones back home by using Skype. Decorate your room with a few items from home, such as family photos or a favorite radio station. You can also join campus clubs and societies to talk about the things you miss with people from your hometown or city. Remember to keep an open mind and not get too attached to the familiar.

Overcome homesickness

3. Make an effort to participate in campus events.

Get involved in the local community and meet new people to alleviate your feelings of homesickness. This serves two purposes: it keeps your mind off of home while also allowing you to get acclimated to your new surroundings. To learn about other cultures and share your own, making new friends is an excellent way to broaden your horizons. You can meet new people at school and university by participating in clubs, societies, activities, and classes that are based on your interests and background. They frequently host events that are excellent opportunities for networking.

4. A healthy body is essential for a healthy mind.

Your mental and physical health are closely linked, so it's important to take care of your body. Make the effort to get outside and get some fresh air and sunshine despite the temptation to stay inside and watch movies all day when you're down. The benefits of regular exercise and a healthy diet go far beyond simply improving your physical health, sleep quality, and concentration.

5. Request assistance

The inability to cope with homesickness can have a significant impact on your academic performance. Counseling at your school or university may be helpful if you're having difficulty sleeping, concentrating, or staying motivated enough to finish your studies. Professional psychologists are available to help you deal with homesickness and return to a healthy, positive state in time in most international schools and universities.

A healthy body is essential for a healthy mind

6. Get involved at your new school

  • Explore your new surroundings on campus. If you're having trouble adjusting to college life because you're missing home, try exploring new places or establishing a new routine.
  • Pay attention to why you chose this university. Make a list of all the reasons why you chose your new school and why you decided to study in canada or study in the Uk.
  • Consider going to a museum or trying a new restaurant on your list of things to do. You'll be less likely to get homesick and more likely to try new things if you get out of campus.
  • To broaden your social circle, go out and meet new people. Make it a point to get to know your fellow students. Don't be afraid to meet new people, because you're not the only one who's just starting out.
  • Make a habit of doing the same thing every day. The absence of homesickness can be alleviated by establishing routines in your new surroundings. Routines help you stay grounded and organised, whether it's getting coffee at 3 p.m. every day or going to a weekly sporting event.
  • Maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Distracting yourself allows you to reduce the amount of time you spend missing home. It's easy to feel more energised and upbeat by going for a walk, hitting the gym, or exploring your new campus.
  • Pay attention to the present moment. Refrain from obsessing over your loved ones. It is impossible to appreciate the present if you spend all of your energy moaning about the things that are not right in front of you.

Get involved at your new school

7. Remember that you are not the only one going through this.

  • There are a lot of people who suffer from homesickness. When you're feeling homesick, don't be afraid to ask for help.
  • If you're feeling homesick, it's likely that your roommate/advisor has been there and done that, too. Express how you're feeling and ask if you can arrange to meet with your R.A. at a specific time so that he or she can prepare.
  • Counselors at school have received specialised training in how to support and guide students. Feeling homesick or wanting to talk about it is not an embarrassment.
  • Discuss your ideas with your classmates. They're probably going through the same thing and could offer some advice. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with others is a great way to build a support network and meet new people. Share your thoughts and feelings, but keep a positive frame of mind — being overly critical can make others uncomfortable.
  • Make contact with old classmates and acquaintances. See if any of your fellow students are experiencing home withdrawals while away at school. You can help each other out and give each other advice.
  • Even though homesickness can be a difficult experience, there is no need to be alarmed. Always look for ways out and people who are willing to hear you out. The key is to keep an open mind and look for the help you require.

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